Extensions for your IDE are invaluable for speeding up your work without sacrificing quality. Given the popularity of Visual Studio Code, here are 6 VSCode extensions that will help you become a more productive developer. The majority of these extensions are for web developers, however there are a few general-purpose extensions that will benefit everyone.

Here's 6 Best VS Code Extensions You Must Have

1. Live Server

One of my favourite extensions is this one. Live Server starts a local development server that supports both static and dynamic page reloading.

Every time you save your code, the changes will appear in the browser right away. You'll be much better at finding bugs, and it'll be a lot easier to experiment with your code.

2. Remote-SSH

You can use any remote machine with an SSH server as your development environment using the Remote - SSH addon. This makes developing and/or troubleshooting in a wide range of settings considerably easier.

Because the extension runs commands and other extensions directly on the distant machine, you don't require any source code on your local workstation.

3. Prettier

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that is very useful if you have several individuals working on the same project because it enforces an uniform style.

You may set it up so that it formats your code every time you save it, minimising the amount of effort you have to spend formatting it.

4. GitLens

GitLens enhances Visual Studio Code's Git features. This is a useful addon that lets you see who changed lines of code, why, and how they changed over time (among lots of other features).

GitLens is a very flexible addon. If you don't like a setting, it's simple to turn it off in settings.

5. JavaScript Code Snippets

While JS IntelliSense is incorporated into VSCode, JS Code Snippets improves on it by providing import/export triggers, class helpers, and method triggers.

JS, TypeScript, JS React, TS React, HTML, and Vue are all supported by the addon. Code snippets for other flavours, such as Angular, are also widely available in the VSCode Marketplace.

6. Regex Previewer 

Regular expressions can be a real challenge to master. Regex Previewer generates a side document with your regex in it. The addon provides several instances to match, making it much easier to construct a regex for a range of use situations quickly and accurately.

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